RezeroLab Data

Food waste generation

Data from Catalunya

Food waste year after year generates the loss of thousands of tons of food, the generation of large quantities of organic waste and large economic losses, due to a deficient food production, distribution and consumption system.

Evolution of the percentage of food waste in the organic household fraction, the amount of organic household fraction collected and the amount of food waste in Catalonia

Source:Prepared by Rezero on the basis data from the Agència de Residus de Catalunya

On average, since 2013 the percentage of food waste in the municipal organic fraction has decreased by 12%, while the quantity of organic material collected selectivly have increased by 14%.
These data do not exactly reflect reality, since food waste also occurs in other fractions in addition to the organic fraction collected (mainly the rejection fraction) and in other stages of the food supply chain (such as production, processing and marketing). .