Lately, under the pretext of the service, protection and hygiene of products, disposable plastic packaging, take away containers and overpackaging have proliferated.   Aside from affecting natural ecosystems – especially our seas and oceans – there are studies that claim that plastic components are present in our bodies and can have health effects.  

At Rezero, we analyzed urine samples of 20 relevant people to check for the presence of plastic in their bodies.   We collected the urine of 20 people, including that of actress and TV host Sílvia Abril, of the internationally renowned painter Miquel Barceló, of Francesc Mauri- meteorologist, Carme Solé- illustrator, of the renowned Doctor of Medicine and Surgery Elena Carreras and that of musician and presenter Halldór Már, among others.

Once collected, Rezero sent the samples to be analyzed at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (, the reference international laboratory in the detection of this type of substance in human samples. The results were supervised by Dr. Miquel Porta, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and IMIM coordinator.  

You can view the report here.  

Up to 21 substances derived from disposable plastic from packaged food (phthalates and phenols) were detected in the participants’ urine.   Our health is increasingly conditioned and at risk by the proliferation of plastics around us, especially in food packaging.  


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