

68 entitats de tot l’Estat demanen al nou Govern la posada en marxa com més aviat millor del Sistema de Dipòsit per a envasos de begudes reutilitzables i d’un sol ús a Espanya

Organitzacions que treballen en tots els territoris de l’Estat contra la contaminació dels envasos de begudes s’uneixen en un manifest conjunt per exigir al nou Executiu de Sánchez i Ribera el desplegament per complet la Llei de Residus i el Reial Decret d’Envasos perquè el retorn de llaunes, ampolles i brics en botigues i supermercats […]


8M2023 – For regulations in favor of toxic-free menstruation: fairness, accessibility and health

On March 8, 2023, the United Nations wants to pay tribute to women and organizations that are fighting for the advancement of transformative technology and for women’s access to digital education. A transformative technology and access to education must be accompanied by information that is independent of economic interests and that allows women an active […]


5 good reasons to open a Library of Things

motius per obrir una biblioteca de les coses

The libraries of things are spaces for borrowing objects for sporadic use with significant environmental and social benefits. Since Nusos and Rezero inaugurated the first in the country, other initiatives have proliferated. Many of them advised by the two entities. Libraries of Things are one of those brilliant and necessary initiatives that are here to […]


Enviromentalist colectives, feminist and health area demand to the governs eradicate toxics from mestrual products and claim more transparency to the companies.

Enviromentalist, economic, feminist and health colectives have been summon in front of Woman Hospital and Child Hospital for a reason. They demand the governs the prohibition of toxic substances in menstrual products and require the companies to inform about their composition.      They have demonstrated the number of toxics that menstrual products contain through the stage […]


Rezero presenta a Palma la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus

Avui, la Fundació Rezero ha presentat la campanya Nou Període, per una menstruació lliure també de residus , que compta amb el suport de la Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori.
L’acte ha estat conduit per Roser Badia, coordinadora de Rezero a Balears i amb la intervenció del Dir. Gral. de Residus, Sebastià Sansó.


Rezero takes part in the public consultation of the Ministry of Finance on the introduction of a tax for single-use plastic items

Rezero has taken part in the Ministry of Finance’s public consultation on the introduction of a tax levied on single-use plastic articles intended to contain or protect food goods or products. Rezero supports the Spanish Government’s initiative and suggests several measures for a correct implementation. • Expand the tax to cover all single-use containers and […]


Manacor city works on a prevention plan with Rezero

We have been working for a couple of months on the Manacor Municipal Waste Prevention Plan. The Prevention Plan is a transformative instrument that allows defining, structuring and scheduling actions to prioritize waste prevention at the municipal level. With more than 42,000 inhabitants, Manacor is a city in Mallorca that generates more than 25,000 tons […]
